And starting today, TikTok is back. So, you know, I did a little TikTok thing, there's a guy named TikTok Jack, he's a young kid, like 21 years old. And we hired this guy and I started TikTok. Can you believe what I will do to win the election? And we went to TikTok, and the Republican Party has never won the youth vote, the youth vote. They got a lot of votes, but they never got the youth vote. We won the youth vote by 36 points. That's why I like TikTok. I like it. I hope you had a good experience.
Romney was losing by 40 points not too long ago. We won by 36 points. That's a very large spread. But I said we need to save TikTok. Because we are talking about extraordinary things. Among this audience, who uses TikTok? Many? Yes, it's very popular. And frankly, we have no choice, we have to save a lot of jobs. We don't want to transfer our business to China, and we don't want to transfer our business to anyone else. And I said, you know, do TikTok without my approval, which means the president's approval. Because Congress gave the president the right to make whatever deals he wanted, and uh, they did that long before the president changed. I don't think they knew I was going to be president.
So I said, very simply, a joint venture. So if TikTok has no value, zero without endorsements, I know you don't endorse them, they're out of business, they're worth nothing.
If you approve, they would be worth something like $1 trillion, which is a crazy number. So I said, “I approve, but let the United States own 50% of TikTok. I approve on behalf of the United States.”
So they have a partner, the United States, and there are many bidders, and the United States will do what is called a joint venture. There is no risk. we don't pay. All we do is give them the approval that they can't do anything without it. So, I don't know, but it seems to work. What do you think? So whether you like TikTok or not, we're going to make a lot of money.