India is 1.4 billion in India so that companies that provide services that provide services such as e -commerce, travel, hospitality, etc. can be used using a verification system using a verification system. The restrictions on AADHAAR authentication services, a digital ID verification framework related to the above biometric authentication, have been alleviated. Their customers. This update has caused a privacy concern because New Delhi has not yet defined a guardrail that is considered to avoid misuse of the individual biological authentication ID.
On Friday, India's IT Province said good governance (social welfare, innovation (social welfare, innovation, social welfare, innovation, as a result of the Supreme Court's ruling that restricts AADHAAR access in 2025 and 2020. AADHAAR authentication has been introduced for amendment rules. data. The new amendment has been made almost two years after the Indian government has started public talks, which has not been revealed.
This update aims to “enhance the range and usefulness of AADHAAR authentication” by “enabling the use of AADHAAR to improve services”, and “the government and non -governments.” Both aim to enable the use of AADHAAR authentication services to provide various services for public interests. IT Ministry said at a press conference.
Compared to the previous version, the modified rules excluded Sabul, which can prevent AADHAAR certification from “leakage of public funds.” This will expand the scope of your own ID -based verifications provided by the Indian government's unique identifier (UIDAI), and expand authentication services to various public and private sector. Previously, banks and telecommunications carriers were mainly used in new customers and verified existing consumers.
AADHAAR authentication has reached a transaction of 1993 billion in January of 1093 billion in February last year, according to the Uidai website. The National Intelligence Center, the National Health Bureau, the Indian National Bank, the Baroda Bank, and the Punjab National Bank were one of the top entities to verify users using AADHAAR -based authentication this month.

Based on the new rules, the entity, which is trying to enable Aadhar's authentication, must apply the “Ministry of Related or Central or State Governments” to “Details of Inturible Requirements” surveyed by UIDAI and Meity. [the IT ministry]”The government will approve these applications based on Uidai's recommendation.
“The criteria that MEITY and UIDAI consider to evaluate such applications must be clearer and transparent, except for misuse, which is a concern that the Supreme Court has been positive about the section 57 of the AADHAAR law. There is. ” Kame Shekal, a digital governance lead -based technical policy -based technology policy, is thinking about dialogue.
The 2016 AADHAAR method section 57, which was withdrawn by the Supreme Court in 2018, has allowed private companies to establish their personal identity using AADHAAR numbers. The Indian government has revised the AADHAAR law in 2019 and enabled spontaneous authentication based on AADHAAR. However, the correction has been challenged and is currently pending in the Supreme Court.
Prasannas, one of the supporters who is fighting for privacy rights and opposition to the AADHAAR law, Prasannas, to re -integrate the hit section 57. He said he tried to try.
“The license system existed further faster under the rules of 2020, but now that access is expanding, concerns about the types of governments will be strengthened in multifaceted,” he said. I talked.
New Delhi -based consultant company, Quantum Hub's public policy Associate Deb, Sidharth Deb, stated that the expansion of AADHAAR authentication is at risk of exclusion.
“If you start a link to access the ID documentation or ID device link to digital services, there is always the risk of exclusion,” he said. “We begin to think about how to define the voluntary method so that citizens can access digital services in a way that is as low as possible, so that they have as many autonomy of independence as possible. I need it.
TechCrunch will be updated when the government has responded to important concerns raised by policy experts and measures to prevent AADHAAR misuse, and when the ministry responds.