65.6 million: former president donald trump And RNC raised $65.6 million in March, leaving it with $93.1 million in cash at the end of the month. This would be welcome news for Trump, who faces many financial problems.president joe biden So far, he has outpaced Trump in fundraising for 2024, but his campaign has not yet released last month's numbers.
107 billion: NATO is considering a five-year $107 billion fund plan for Ukraine. This proposal was promoted by the NATO chief. Jens Stoltenberg, which has been met with skepticism from some member states of the alliance, particularly Hungary. Ukraine has relied heavily on foreign aid during its war with Russia, but aid has dried up in recent months due to internal divisions in the West. Stoltenberg said the alliance needed to ensure Ukraine was supported “for the long term.”
14: Uganda's Constitutional Court on Wednesday rejected a bid to overturn the country's controversial anti-homosexuality law, which allows for the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality.” The petition was filed by 14 people, including members of parliament, activists and law professors. One of the petitioners promised to appeal the decision.
2.4: Inflation in the euro zone unexpectedly fell last month, raising hopes for a June interest rate cut. Consumer prices rose 2.4% year-on-year in March, down from 2.6% in February.