TL;DR: EPF has finished the fourth cohort and is preparing the fifth cohort. The application is open soon. In the meantime, explore new things and sign up Get a notification when it opens.
The Ethereum Protocol Fellowship recently completed its fourth successful cohort and culminated in EPF Day with DevConnect in Istanbul. Its completion marked four months of immersive learning, research and contributions to the Ethereum Core ecosystem from a group of talented and committed fellows. For more information about EPF, see Past Posts and Repos.
EPF4 statistics
Applications for the fourth cohort opened on June 2, 2023. After reviewing over 400 applications, 35 participants were awarded scholarships. Additionally, five retroactive scholarships were awarded to unauthorized participants. For four months, the Fellows had the opportunity to work with 27 core developer mentors from various clients and research teams within the ecosystem. Their work was reported regularly with almost 600 weekly updates.
EPF4 Project
Overall, the Fellows proposed and contributed 35 projects, some of which are still active. These projects are not only valuable learning experiences, but also represent meaningful contributions to the Ethereum ecosystem.
All the resources of the program are EPF4 Repository. You can follow all the activities in the cohort there and check out project resources, development updates, and fellow notes. The project is not only a contribution of FOSS, but all the work done within the cohort is fully open and is a real part of Ethereum's open research and resources.
But it's not just about work and contribution. One important aspect of EPF is the opportunity to meet many inspirational people involved in core development. Over half of the cohort gathered to participate in EPF day during DevConnect in Istanbul. Project Presentationpanel discussion and social time.
Ethereum Protocol Fellowship Study Group
We learned some important feedback at the end of cohort 4. Despite focusing on protocol development education during EPF, the learning curve for enthusiastic core developers is still very steep. Based on this feedback, we have launched a pre-decoration program called ePF. EPF Research Groupthere is a 10-week deep diving in a variety of aspects of the protocol and a joint knowledge base for developers. has become a place where core developers aim to help Wiki learn about the technical aspects of Ethereum and contribute to the Wiki to enhance their knowledge.
Next Cohort SOON™§
As the research group is approaching its conclusion, we are preparing for the fifth cohort of the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship. For those interested in jumping into Ethereum Core Development, look forward to the application announcement in early May. Join EPF to get notifications Mailing list.
Meanwhile, you can prepare your application by ensuring a basic understanding of Ethereum Protocol (EPF Study Group is the perfect place to get started), contributing to open source projects through your GitHub account, particularly the Ethereum Ecosystem's existing projects, and thinking about the type of project you want to work on.