The Bulgarian Ministry of Finance said the country inflation Benchmarks Needed Eurozone Our goal is to increase our membership by the end of the year. Bulgaria The Ministry of Finance said it plans to formally request the European Commission (EC) and the European Central Bank (ECB) to prepare an interim convergence report.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Lyudmila Petkova met with Pierre Gramegna, Executive Director of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), in Luxembourg yesterday. According to a statement from the Ministry of Finance, the meeting took place at the same time as Gramegna's participation in a regular meeting of the EU Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECOFIN).
During the discussion, Pierre Gramegna expressed optimism, saying:Let's pave the way together EurozoneDeputy Prime Minister Petkova said: BulgariaTechnical preparation for adoption EURhighlighting the country's current macroeconomic and fiscal situation. Bulgaria The aim is to meet the price stability criteria by the end of the year, paving the way for the EC and ECB to produce the necessary convergence report. Gramegna outlined the steps of the procedure and pledged to provide support and expertise until it is completed. BulgariaHe commemorated the accession of the EU to the European Union and highlighted the significance of this milestone in strengthening Europe.
The European Stability Mechanism Eurozone It is an independent financial institution established by member states in response to the 2012 debt crisis. EUR, Bulgaria As the Ministry of Finance reiterated, it will also become a shareholder in the ESM. The mechanism's management committee will include: Eurozone It is made up of the Eurogroup member states and is headed by a Chair. The ESM is also made up of a Governing Board and a Managing Director.